诺贝尔奖得主保罗?. 罗默, one of the most influential economists of this century, will join 太阳城网赌平台 as the Seidner University Professor in the 卡罗尔管理学院, 从今年秋天开始.



罗默, 2018年诺贝尔奖得主, will launch the Carroll School’s new Center for the Economics of Ideas and join the faculty of the Finance Department, which is consistently ranked among the nation’s best undergraduate finance programs and among the most productive for faculty 奖学金.

“保罗•罗默's pioneering work spans economics, 技术, 都市生活, and a range of other fields–consistently challenging conventional wisdom and summoning up new ways of understanding fundamentals,” said Provost and Dean of Faculties David Quigley.

“He possesses a remarkable fluency across topics and ways of knowing. 他的学术和教学, and his leadership of the new Center for the Economics of Ideas at 太阳城网赌平台, promise to expand on his pathbreaking accomplishments and open up new horizons to direct change for the common good.”

“I'm very excited about the course that 太阳城网赌平台 is setting with the new Center for the Economics of Ideas. 追求进步, 市场可以成为载体, 但是科学的价值, 奖学金, and enlightenment must be the compass. 我们有很多干扰. 缺的是方向.

The Seidner University Professorship was made possible through a gift from BC Trustee Marc Seidner ’88, 和Seidner家族.

“I'm very excited about the course that 太阳城网赌平台 is setting with the new Center for the Economics of Ideas,罗默说。, who joins BC following 13 years at New York University.

“在追求进步的过程中, 市场可以成为载体, 但是科学的价值, 奖学金, and enlightenment must be the compass. 我们有很多干扰. 缺的是方向.”

博因顿安迪, the John and Linda Powers Family Dean of the 卡罗尔管理学院, said the addition of 罗默 to a world-class faculty offers great opportunities for both 太阳城网赌平台 and the Carroll School.

“保罗•罗默 is one of the most respected and accomplished economists in the world,” said Boynton. “By joining the Carroll School faculty community he provides an instant injection of large doses of imagination, 智力, and aspiration into every fiber of our culture. His palpable commitment to research and teaching will benefit all of our students and faculty, and our outstanding Finance Department, 特别是, will continue its rapid ascent among the best in the world.”

罗默 received the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel “for integrating technological innovations into long-run macroeconomic analysis.” He shared the prize with Yale University's William Nordhaus.

为了纪念罗默, the Nobel Prize organization said his central contribution demonstrated how knowledge can function as a driver of long-term economic growth: 罗默 “showed how economic forces govern the willingness of firms to produce new ideas. 他的中心理论, 哪一本出版于1990年, explains how ideas are different to other goods and require specific conditions to thrive in a market.”

保罗•罗默 is one of the most respected and accomplished economists in the world. By joining the Carroll School faculty community he provides an instant injection of large doses of imagination, 智力, and aspiration into every fiber of our culture.
卡罗尔管理学院 Dean 博因顿安迪

罗默 says that his lasting contribution was a framework for understanding the economics of ideas that parallels the traditional economics analysis of scarce physical objects.

随着每一天的过去, we read about advances in artificial intelligence, so it now seems obvious that how we produce and distribute ideas is far more important than how we produce and distribute physical objects,罗默说。. “但是当我读太阳城官网生的时候, economists could not identify the fundamental difference between ideas and objects. 在实际层面上, this meant that they could not see how the social capital of trust, 几代人慢慢积累, facilitated the distribution of ideas. 结果是, they could not anticipate the damage a new business model based on tracking and targeted digital advertising could do by eroding the social trust.”

丹佛人, 科罗拉多州, 罗默 studied at the University of Chicago, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 以及金斯敦的女王大学, 安大略.

“We are delighted and proud that Paul is joining our faculty group,罗尼·萨德卡说, chair of the Finance Department and Haub Family Professor in the Carroll School. “We take great pride in our exceptional teaching and research, while maintaining a positive collegial culture. The addition of Paul demonstrates our ongoing commitment to excellence, and will greatly enhance the Finance Department and the Carroll School as a whole.”

Finance is a banner discipline at the Carroll School and most recently ranked eighth in the U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道年度调查. In the Academic Ranking of World Universities, also known as the Shanghai Ranking, the school 全球金融排名第七.

The 卡罗尔管理学院 ranks among the nation’s best—with six academic departments and programs landing in the top 20 of their disciplines, 根据 U.S. 新闻 survey of undergraduate schools of management in the U.S.

Ed Hayward | University Communications | May 2023